Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Naws! Week 2

Sophomore in collage, Zach Tennen was at a party at MSU when he was brutally beaten just off campus. His jaw was broken and had to be wired shut, and after he came to, he found that his mouth had been stapled shut through his gums. Zach also declares that the beating was a hate crime. Before the incident took place, Zach claimed that some men approached him and asked if he was Jewish. After he replied yes, the men made Nazi symbols with their arms, saluted Hitler, and said they were members of the K.K.K. Zach admits to consuming a small amount of alcohol earlier that night.
            I think that this incident has a few other possibilities. Zach may have confessed to consuming a small amount of alcohol, but what if that was the case? I don’t know of any underage person who would admit to committing legal deeds. So Zach could have consumed not only alcohol, but maybe drugs too. This would have made the situation seem worse, but not saying the situation was bad. Also, the attackers could have been under the influence of alcohol and or drugs. That doesn’t excuse the act, but it may have been a joke taken too far or something they may not have normally done.  
            This news story is definitely one sided. There is no argument defending the attackers or thought about other possibilities, like both Zach and the attackers being under the influence.

Word count: 245

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