Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Malcolm X vs. James Baldwin

Malcolm X and James Baldwin
            One of the connections between is how they felt about trusting white people. In Malcolm X he says, “He may stand with you through thin, but never thick; when the chips are down, you’ll find that as fixed in as his bone structure is his sometimes subconscious conviction that he’s better than anybody black.” There is a similar quote in “Notes of A Native Son” “… that my white friends in high-school were not really my friends and that I would see, when I was older, how white people would do anything to keep a Negro down.” These two men are both stating that white people may only be friendly skin deep, but they won’t be by your side one hundred percent. One of the more obvious connections was that they were both black ministers seeking equal rights, although their style and beliefs about obtaining equals rights are a little different. One more connection is that you can argue that bot of their fathers died from the feud between whites and black. Although James’ dad’s death was internal from the hatred and Malcolm X’s father passed from a white mob.

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