Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Practice AP Test Essay

How important is community service? Is it something that should have a long-term effect on high school students? Volunteering is a vital part of society and students should be introduced to it in such a way that it makes their first impression enjoyable. It should encourage students to continue community service after high school. School can achieve this by having a structured but free program, emphasizing the importance of volunteer work, and making it educationally beneficial.
            “Two studies suggest that community service requirements can have a negative effect on students’ intentions to volunteer freely in the future but only when students feel that they aren’t ready to volunteer or that the requirement is too controlling.” (Stukas, Arthur and company, Par. 1) This statement has a very accurate and valid point. If a student has never volunteered before and is forced to participate in an activity that he or she doesn’t have an interest in, then the experience will not be enjoyable. Is a person’s first involvement was negative, then whenever he or she thinks of community service it will be associated with an unenthusiastic experience. Then, they will not more than likely not volunteer freely in the future.
            Emphasizing how important volunteer work is, not only personally but also socially, would put a positive spin on community service. “The strength of a community can be found in its moral center; the ability to articulate and act upon a defines moral center will fortify a community” (The Dalton School, Par3) Telling students how community service helps better a neighborhood may encourage the students to volunteer. Also, “When an individual goes out in the world and interacts with other people in the spirits of bettering, that individual makes a contribution and will feel a sense of accomplishment.” (The Dalton School, Par. 4) If a student gets a feel for how community service can better themselves, which too may motivate them to volunteer.
            A survey was taken by mark Lopez that should that 52% of students are in favor of volunteering for diploma if it is educationally successful. This just goes to show that students are interested in volunteer work, but they want to participate in such a way that is beneficial to them in more then one way; educationally, emotionally, and socially.
            School would be more successful with a mandatory service learning program. That way, students would have a project that they are interested in, and they learn and feel the importance of volunteering. For example, if someone was in a band and wanted to incorporate music into service learning, then they could host a fundraiser for a certain cause. In the process, they would learn the significance of volunteering and how good it feels to help someone in need. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 3 Notes

o   Types of Supports
§  Anecdote
·      A brief story that illustrates a point you are making
§  Facts
·      Information that is verifiable through general sources
o   Encyclopedia
o   History book
o   Biographical dictionary
§  Quantitative Data
·      Statistical information
·      More than just numbers
o   You might report on trends
·      You should document – give credit to- the sources where you find this information
§  Expert Testimony
·      You could quote the expert directly or put his/her points in your own words by summarizing or paraphrasing them
·      Citing anecdotes, facts, statistics and experts is one way to appeal to logos
·      Documenting such information establishes your ethos
o   Writers at Work
§  Don’t let other writer’s points of view effect your own.
o   The Relationship of Sources to Audience
§  Make sure you know whom your audience is!
·      A general audience
·      The audience will expect a more formal approach for something written for a literary magazine for writers
·      Scholars and Researchers
o   The Synthesis Essay
§  Requires you to use outside sources, sources that have been assigned to you, or sources that are part of your classroom readings
§  Your goal is the same as that of the more experienced writers
·      Use sources to support and illustrate your own ideas and to establish your credibility as a member of the academic community that values the “conversation” created by different voices
§  Citing your sources
·      Informal in-text citations
·      Formal in-text parenthetical documentation
·      End-of-paper Works Cited List
o   MLA
§  You MUST document sources to give credit where credit is due
o   Identifying the Issues: Recognizing Complexity
§  A compelling argument leaves the reader thinking, questioning, considering, and reconsidering
§  Anticipate objections to your position and recognize and respect the complexities of your topic
§  Recognize there are more than two sides to an issue
o   Formulating Your Position
§  Before formulating you position, take stock of the issues
·      Ask yourself questions to make sure you understand the writing and to help form your ideas for your argument
o   Incorporating Sources: Inform Rather than Overwhelm
§  Don’t simply summarize or paraphrase a series of texts, but rather cite your sources

Friday, September 7, 2012

News! Week 3

            On Tuesday August 28, Yosemite park officials had to make over 1,000 people who had stayed there aware that they might have been exposed to a rare rodent disease that caused two fatalities. The park took precautions by disinfecting the cabins that they two tourists stayed in and others in that area. They also sent out letters and emails to that people who had been staying there and to the media. Rodents can only carry this disease, and their feces, urine, or saliva infects humans. People are currently trying to collect rodents to see if they are infected with the Hantavirus for sure. They are also looking into the population count to see if the mice are over populating the park.
            After reading this new article, I was a little surprised to find that they still allowed visitors to stay in the cabins surrounding the infected areas. I think closing down the whole park would be overkill but I do believe that they should have closed down the 91 cabins in the area that the people who died stayed until they knew for sure that it was the Hantavirus. Otherwise I think they are handling the situation well. Now that they let people know the risks, it is the tourists visiting are choosing do staying there, chancing the risk that they could be infected.
            I thought this piece was unbias, they didn’t show either they thought the park was handling the situation poorly or superbly.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Naws! Week 2

Sophomore in collage, Zach Tennen was at a party at MSU when he was brutally beaten just off campus. His jaw was broken and had to be wired shut, and after he came to, he found that his mouth had been stapled shut through his gums. Zach also declares that the beating was a hate crime. Before the incident took place, Zach claimed that some men approached him and asked if he was Jewish. After he replied yes, the men made Nazi symbols with their arms, saluted Hitler, and said they were members of the K.K.K. Zach admits to consuming a small amount of alcohol earlier that night.
            I think that this incident has a few other possibilities. Zach may have confessed to consuming a small amount of alcohol, but what if that was the case? I don’t know of any underage person who would admit to committing legal deeds. So Zach could have consumed not only alcohol, but maybe drugs too. This would have made the situation seem worse, but not saying the situation was bad. Also, the attackers could have been under the influence of alcohol and or drugs. That doesn’t excuse the act, but it may have been a joke taken too far or something they may not have normally done.  
            This news story is definitely one sided. There is no argument defending the attackers or thought about other possibilities, like both Zach and the attackers being under the influence.

Word count: 245

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


  • Periodic
    •  After needing to the store, then take the dogs for a walk, and picking my sister up from the airport, I finally got to eat my sandwich.
  • Loose
    • After my wisdom teeth were removed, my cheeks were like those of chipmunks. 
  • Parallel 
    •  As a family, we like to watch movies and to take the dogs for walks.
  • Inverted Order 
    •  In came running Suzie.
  • Interrupted Order
    • The sun- orange and bright- rose over the beach and fried everyone like bacon. 
  • Simple 
    •  The dog caught the ball.
  • Compound
    •  The dog caught the ball, but he fell in a mud puddle.
  • Complex
    •  Even though the dog caught the ball, he fell in a mud puddle.
  • Compound-Complex
    • Even thought the dog caught the ball, he fell in a mud puddle, and the pup couldn't come in the house until he was clean.

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Modest Proposal Precis

In Jonathan Swift's, "A Modest Proposal" (1729) he suggests that by "preventing those voluntary abortions" and selling poor and begging kids to a meat market at age one it would solve Ireland's problem with unwanted and burdening children, "...a young  healthy child well nursed is at  a year old a most delicious, nourishing and wholesome food..." (9). Swift explains his reasoning by giving statical data about the benefits of selling unwanted children as meat, "... I believe no gentleman would repine to give ten shilling for the carcass of a good fat child, which, as I have sad, will make four dishes of excellent nutritive meat..." (13). The author writes this troubling essay to influence the Irish to start caring about their issues and solve the economic problems in their society, like instead of buying good from London, start making them in Ireland. Using a serious and underlying satirical tone, Swift hopes the Irish will become aware that London is abusing them, and motivate the Irish to care enough to take a stand.